The economy is spiraling out of control. The policies of the current Administration is held captive by the progressive socialist left and energy is at the heart of the destruction.
Everything is tied to energy in some way. The things we buy, such as food, are delivered to markets by equipment needing fuel. Those prices are skyrocketing, and being passed on to the consumer. Shortages are being created, panic is coming.
As the dominoes fall, things will reach a crisis level. The likelihood of war, famine, and such will increase, just as the Bible says: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." ( Matt. 24:7)
We need every tool we can get to help wade through this coming calamity. One of the major human sources I will use is ONPASSIVE.
I urge you to explore #ONPASSIVE to see if this is right for you. The calamity is coming, are you ready?
Our Government is blinded because it is being controlled by demonic fallen angles. They have no clue that they are destroying this country with a war on Gods people and His Word. But God is still on His throne and a call to all who serve our Father in Heaven is being made around this world for intervention. We knw if God is for us then who? can be against us. We don't live in fear for we have a Father who has conquered death. His coming is sooner that we think or even know. The heavens could open any day and we will be caught up with Him in Glory. Focus on the kingdom of God and all else…